Monday, 11 July 2011

My New Project.

First off. Let me introduce you to the woman who taught me to crochet.
She was old, She was a great cook, She was kind, She was loving, She baked (better than anyone I know might I add!), She was crafty! She could do almost anything at all with her hands! She knitted, crocheted, sewed, cross stitched...
(almost anything that a person could create with a pattern, a fabric or thread. She could do it!)
This woman was Grand ma.
Grandma Brown to be more specific.
I used to watch my Grandma knit and crochet for hours I am sure. I don't think that I could tell you the exact year that Grandma taught me her craft. But I remember the first thing that she ever taught me how to make. I got to go down to her 'stash' of yarn and pick out my very own ball of yarn.
(I couldn't tell you what color that I chose. It was likely purple or pink.)
Well we ventured off into the living room and she gave me a gift that day. The gift of 'craft'.
The very first thing that she taught me to make was a Granny Square.
(I was supposed to make enough to make an afgan. I never did.)
Over the years though I asked her how to make different things, after I would successfully make something new. I would always take it to her and show her and she was always SO proud of me and told me how nice it was and what good of a job I did.
(Now that I think of it. I am not sure if I ever really did do a good job or if the things I made REALLY were nice. But my Grandma said they were and that is ALL that matters!)
Well now we now who taught me how to crochet.

I have been crocheting off and on over the past 20'ish years of my life!
Almost any time I go to a store (wal-mart) that sells yarn I go and I look. Sometimes I buy. Sometimes I don't.
So I have lets say a lot of wool!

Just a couple of weeks ago I was reading Naturally Nena's Blog. She has a guest post series running this summer and I stumbled upon a post by Grits and Giggles about making her own baby food. I went on her blog and got inspired by her craftiness!

So I set off to MY 'stash' of yarn and started creating!!
Here is what I came up with

In the end this will be a scarf with several of the pink flowers. I will be sure to post pictures when I am finished. But until then I am off to finish my project.
Wish me luck folks that this one will actually get finished!!

My Plan is to work through my 'stash' of yarn. Making all kinds of new exciting things!
If y'all have any suggestions or know of any easy to follow patterns or tutorials leave them in the comments bellow. Thanks folks!

Grandma Brown is in heaven now otherwise I would show this to her. So in her place I am showing y'all!!


  1. Thank you Amy, what a beautiful memory. My Mother truly lives on ... in you. :O)

  2. Trust me sweety, she IS looking at this, and she's very proud of you! :)
