Lately our new favorite thing is dressing up all fancy, pretending we have money and going to look at Show Homes!
DREAMING about one day living in a house so gorgeous and perfectly decorated!!
Really I would be happy in just about ANY house right now!
(we have been living in a basement suite for almost a full year while Alex is in school. It is not an ugly or tiny basement suite. It is just a dark basement with no natural light <<insert sad face here>> and no bathtub <<insert ultra sad face here>>)
But it is our home for now! And I love it! Because I live here with my most amazing husband (whom I love more than anything in the world)
But I also love dreaming!!! Our favorite houses so far are in Chestermere, Alberta.
Here are two that I dream about daily!!
This is the front of the first house. NORMALLY I don't like 2 storey homes. That many stairs really don't appeal to me at all. Usually in a 2 storey home the only thing that I like about them are the bonus rooms.. However the master bedroom, bathroom, closet combo in this home would make up for all the stairs that I would have to climb!! This is a 3218 sq ft home with 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 bathrooms, 3 car garage.
Here is the office right off the front door. ( I think what makes me like this specific 2 storey more than most is that there is more than just a tiny kitchen and tiny dinning room on the main floor. But then again I guess that is what 3218 sq ft will get you!) and the glorious laundry room/mud room right off the garage
And the wonderful kitchen that you could host ALL your family for every holiday, birthday, Sunday dinner. This would be the perfect kitchen to cook in. I want it! Just off the kitchen there is a small living room and a bathroom that tops off the mail level.
The Bonus Room
And the BEST part of this house... The Master Suite!!!
The actual bedroom itself wasn't anything special until you walk in and to the right and you see ALL the way into the bathroom, and down to the GIANT closet!
The enormous bathroom!! There is more than enough space in here to host a dance party if you really wanted to!! Don't ask me why you would... But you could!!
A nice double sink. That means there would be no whiskers in MY sink if Alex ever decided to shave!
I would take out this shelf and put in a linen closet.
A HUGE shower! Double headed steam shower. I could lay down flat on the floor!
Ahhh The GLORIOUS bathtub! I am pretty sure that if I had this bathroom I would attach a TV on the wall above the tub and I would never have to leave!!
Walk in to the left of the closet.
And this is to the right.
This is looking out towards the bathroom!!
So basically I would LOVE to live in this house! I would make a few cosmetic changes. Other then that. I could absolutely make myself happy and grow a little family in there!
This next house is a 'simple' bungalow
With an office right off the front door. (the best place for an office in my opinion.)
There was a spare bedroom and full bathroom at the front as well.
off to the left was the kitchen. I love, love, LOVE this kitchen! I think that everything about it is perfect! There is almost more cupboard space than anyone could ever use! (I hope I never have that much stuff in my kitchen that I would fill ALL of the cabinets!! We need to leave a few empty for hide and seek when the kids get older! ;) ) right off the kitchen was the ultimate storage room! It is a food storage area, butlers pantry, laundry room and mud room all in one. It was directly off of the garage which made it even better. (so when you bring in your groceries you can just dump everything right when you walk in!! That thought makes me happy! NEVER having to carry bags upon bags of groceries up or down several flights of stairs!! I am sure that makes Alex happy too!!)
A killer food storage/laundry room/closet/butlers pantry directly off the garage.
The Perfect Kitchen!!
There are cabinets everywhere, a HUGE island. I think maybe the only thing I would change about this kitchen would be the cabinet color. (I am not too crazy about all the dark wood.)
A dinning room right off the kitchen. Perfect for entertaining. (HA not that we do much entertaining. Perhaps with a house like this we would though?)
This would be the best kitchen for all the holiday dinners! It is so open and spacious! It makes me happy just thinking about it! The only bad thing about this place is that the deck out back was not nearly big enough! That could very easily be changed though.
Now the master bedroom/bathroom/closet in this house was not REALLY anything to write home about. Although it is nicer than any bedroom I have ever called home! By that logic, I love it!
The bathroom is open to the bedroom. I like that. It feels much more open and spacious. The tub is amazing! Again there is a double vanity! (Hooray for no whiskers in the sink!) The closet is just an average walk in closet. There IS a sperate toilet room though. I like that idea! Especially if you are waking up in the middle of the night for pee breaks! There will hopefully be no waking up of the husband! I suppose the only bad thing about a bathroom open to the bedroom would be if somebody needed to wake up early to get ready for work it would be rather difficult. But then again there are 2 other full bathrooms in this house.
The basement in this showhome was finished, and GORGEOUS!!!!
And by gorgeous I mean HOLY CRAP that bar is worth 20grand!! HA HA I told Alex if we ever had a house with a 20 thousand dollar bar in the basement we would either have to start drinking alot more, or we would have to find alot more friends!!
However, no matter how much I LOVE this bar I fear that if we were to build this house I would take out the bar and put in something more useful.. Im not sure what. maybe a hot tub? or a pool table? or a really big crafty room? Who knows.. But I fear (and my liver thanks me) That we would get no use out of such a bar! Although it really would be fun to have! Oh, who are we kidding! I would want to keep it just so I could have it! There is all kinds of room in the other side of the basement for boring things like craft rooms!
Here is the nice stair case down to the basement. (I see that being a very scary staircase once kids enter into the picture!)
All in all I think that this house a slightly more modest house at a mere 1743 sq ft. would be the perfect house for me! Okay, the perfect house for US! I could see Alex and I living in either one of the 2 houses for years and years to come!!!

These are the homes I dream about. When it all comes down to it though my true dream home is the one I live in with my husband!! Wherever life takes us I will be happy there! As long as I get to be with Alex!
Here's to hoping though! Better start buying lotto max tickets I think!
Leave me a comment what house you like better and why.